Monday, April 6, 2009


I did these for my office...please ignore the awkward looking guy in the pics.:)

T-shirt Designs

Bad Eggs (Part 2)

After the first campaign for Bad Eggs I did with my old Copywriter and good friend Aviv Weil ( we won a few awards and decided to do a follow up:
"Hollywood's produced alot of Bad Eggs...Thankfully ours are always good."
Illustrations on this one by Ben Crossman

The Eggsis of Evil

This is a campaign I did with my old Copywriter and good friend Aviv Weil ( Was hilarious asking the wig maker to make us "tiny wigs of political tyrants that we can put on eggs." The guy thought we were fucking crazy...maybe we are.

"History's produced alot of Bad Eggs...Thankfully ours are always good."

The Cavalier

The handsome lads from The Cavalier asked for help with their cd. They didn't have a name for the cd but rather six or seven song titles all with the word heart in it. After hours of brainstorming what to do, I ended up just doing a heart. They still haven't paid me or released the cd so their name still isn't on the design...but it's theirs...because they're a handsome bunch.

New Found Disorder - In Memory of Faded Pictures

The guys from New Found Disorder asked for help with their Debut Album cover design called "In Memory of Faded Pictures".

Underbelly - For a Cynical Science

Pretoria based band Underbelly asked me to do a cover for their Debut Album entitled "For a Cynical Science". This album went on to get nominated for a SAMA Award

Wickhead - Sexita Chiquita

The guys from Wicked asked me to help them out with their cd cover for their EP entitled Sexita Chiquita shortly before they made the move to L.A.

Pestroy - Enemy Within

Cd cover I did for my band Pestroy for our 3rd Full length album entitled "Enemy Within".